We get asked all the time how to fit a Monster/Blitzer
Beetle shell onto a Sand Scorcher. It seems a
simple and easy thing to do but those who have
tried will know it's not as easy as it looks!
This article shows you how and explains the differences
between the shells.
At first glance these shells appear the same
but there are actually a number of differences
between them.
The Monster Beetle shell is the same as the Blitzer
Beetle shell apart from the internal moulding
reference and the colour of plastic used. For
this article we have used a black Blitzer Beetle
shell and a red Monster Beetle shell. All Sand
Scorcher shells were moulded in white and the
earlier Monster Beetle shells were also in white,
later Monster Beetle shells were in red and consequently
white Monster Beetle shells can command higher
Update: 2010 Sand Scorcher
shell added
After the amazing release of the
new 2010 Sand Scorcher we obviously had to update
this article to suit. Basically, the new shell
is exactly the same as the Monster Beetle/Blitzer
Beetle shell with a few small changes..
- Moulded in white again

- Front and side mounting holes have been filled,
but you can see them from the inside

- Front mounting hole is now back to the same
place as the original Sand Scorcher

- Bigger holes have been drilled for the all
new mirrors

- Lastly, the moulding stamp inside has been

That's it! Have a good look at the pictures on
the right, at the bottom..
Spot the Difference
There are perhaps more differences between these
shells than people think. As the Blitzer shell
is essentially the same we will just detail differences
here between the Scorcher shell and Monster Beetle.
Differences are as follows:
Wheels arches - Perhaps the most obvious
difference. The Sand Scorcher arches are more
rounded and have a curved over lip to enclose
the wheels more. The Sand Scorcher rear arch also
extends down further at the back and lacks the
middle hole the others have for attaching the
light clusters.
Door handles - The Sand Scorcher has separate
chrome door handles, the Monster/Blitzer Beetle
shells have the handles moulded into the doors.

Front body mount hole - The Sand Scorcher
mounting hole is 8mm further forward making fitment
of the later shells to the SRB a little tricky.
More on that later. 
Side body mount holes - The Sand Scorcher
shell has no side mounting holes. 
Roof body mount holes - The Sand Scorcher
has holes in the roof to fix the rear body mount
clip. The Monster Beetle shell does have remains
of these moulded holes on the inside though making
it easy to drill in the right place to install
a rear body clip for retro-fitting a Monster/Blitzer
Beetle shell to an SRB. 
Rear view mirrors - There are holes in
the Sand Scorcher shell for fitting wing mirrors.
Window A pillars - These are thicker on
the Monster Beetle and Blitzer Beetle shells.
Internal moulding reference - The internal
writing all three of our shells appears to be
different. See photo. 
Fitting the Monster/Blitzer
Beetle shell to a Sand Scorcher
The first thing to do is drill two 3mm holes
in the roof at the back to accept the metal clip
from the Scorcher. Drill from the inside, you
will see the mouldings here from the Scorcher
anyway so where to drill is obvious.
Now the problem is the difference in positioning
of the front body mount hole. Being further forward
on the Scorcher means that when you sit the Monster
Beetle shell on there it will site too far forward.
This can be accommodated by bending the rear roll
bar forward if you wish but it's not ideal as
it means the wheels don't sit centrally under
the arches.
How do we fix this?
There are basically 3 approaches:
Method 1: The first solution is to drill
another hole in the Monster Beetle shell for the
front body mount that is a little further forward.
You could fill the old hole to complete the cosmetics
but this will require some crafting skills and
is best done before the shell is painted.
Method 2:
The second approach is to drill another hole in
the chassis to move the servo saver/body mount
post back by the necessary amount. The problem
with this approach is that if you are running
a standard radio box and steering setup the servo
saver may foul on the receiver box. I personally
prefer this approach though as it means you can
easily move the body mount post depending on what
type of shell you are fitting and it means you
don't have to mess around drilling shells and
filling holes. A Monster Beetle shell will fit
straight on with no mods.
Method 3 (update 2010):
To save you all the bother. Just buy a (CHEAP!)
2010 re-release Sand Scorcher body set! Part number:
51406 It will fit straight on your old Scorcher
chassis with no hole drilling or filling. But
does this spoil the fun? 