I always intended building this kit after a very
lucky discovery a couple of years ago. It had
already been started, blisters opened, Screw bags
opened, Chassis started, etc. So it just had to
be finished right?! 
Before I started I made my mind up to do the body
first. I'd never done this before & it was
a hard choice for some reason. I think I wanted
to be able to build the chassis & then just
drop the completed body on top. I was right! It
worked a treat. None of that waiting another week
or two before it can be completed, If you know
what I mean.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this article as much as
I did building it. I've tried to make it informative
& helpful, So you too can pick up some tips
& end up with a cracking model!
Step 1 (spraying the body)
The hardest part of any build, The body! 
Remember, The more time you spend getting every
little step perfect, The better the finish will
be. There's some things I don't do like many other
builders, But it always seems to work out ok.
So I stick with it.
First thing I had to do before anything was remove
all excess plastic left over from the moulding
process. Not much of it, But enough to spoil the
final finish. I even had to fill the tops of the
front wings near the bottom of the window pillars.
It wasn't moulded very good & I was a bit
surprised for a Tamiya. Next up is a really good
wash. I use warm water & a drop of washing
up liquid in the sink. Make sure you give everything
a good wipe with a clean cloth. Then rinse &
dry thoroughly.
Spraying time! I spray in a nice warm, Dust free
place inside. I found a nice way of keeping the
dreaded dust off your newly painted body.. Hang
it up side down as soon as you've applied a coat
of paint. Works a treat if you go careful with
the paint (no runs) & have a really good grip
on the body from the inside. I use strong plastic
grippes for modelling. If there's no place to
attach it, Make something up so you can. A piece
of wood screwed into one of the inner screw holes?
You can also hold onto the body with this while
you spray, Using rubber gloves to keep your skin
from looking like an alien from an old B movie!
A really good tip, Is to warm up your spray cans
first. I put mine on a warm, Not hot, Heater.
Or warm water is good. It just makes the paint
come out better & seems to last longer. When
spraying keep the body an arms length away, Get
too close & those runs will get you! I let
my bodies touch dry before more paint.
First is the primer. I use white automotive primer.
A couple of coats will do using very fine wet/dry
paper between & after the second coat. Use
the finest you can get hold of 1500 grain I use.
Making sure you get it all as smooth as possible
without going through the primer. Wash/dry again
really well & remember to get into all those
body panel gaps. Use a clean tooth brush for them.
All dry? Now for the knee trembling main coat
spraying. I ALWAYS use Tamiya paint as per manual
for the main body spraying. Some people don't
like it as it's very watery & hard to apply.
I don't think so, As I know it well now &
always gives the best finish in my book as it's
made for the job. On this Mounty I used 7 cans
of paint! 3 cans of the main colour for the front
(cab). 3 cans for the rear (bed) & a can of
lacquer for the whole body. Expensive I know,
But well worth the finish I got. It would be a
good idea to spray this body fitted together,
But I didn't & did the front first, Then the
rear. With metallic paint, Make sure you get the
covering right or you will have the front looking
a shade lighter than the rear, Or vice versa.
I always put a coat of paint on the inside of
any body I do to start with, Just to give it that
nice finishing touch when you look at the completed
body. And you don't see any over spray on the
inside. Good even coats is what you need. Remembering
at ALL times about that dreaded running! Don't
be tempted to go back & spray that bit you
thought you'd missed. Leave it until the next
coat. I got about 2 coats per can front &
rear, So that's 6 coats in total of paint! That
is the maximum without starting to loose some
of the body detailing.
With my main paint on & dry, I left it for
at least a couple of days before the lacquer was
applied. Lacquer is another art of it's own. You
don't need much of it on, Thin coats is better.
But remember to leave to dry proper between coats
& for best results I use the 1500 wet/dry
paper again to flat back the lacquer to get that
deep gorgeous finish. After 2-3 coats of lacquer
leave it for a week or so before you start with
the last 1500 wet/dry again to flat it back for
the last time. Now it's ready for some good polishing.
Be extremely careful here not to go through the
lacquer! I use 'Mer' car polish. Or any other
good car polish will do. Gently bring that finish
to a superb shine with some careful circular motions.
Do area's at a time.. Roof, Bonnet, Wing etc.
If your really careful the finish will be amazing!
Nearly forgot! While I was waiting between coats.
I sprayed the front lower valance on the front
grill & the surround around the cab rear window.
Both same colour as the body. Remember to mask
that window up well! Use wide masking tape &
cut around the window rubber edge to get that
perfect mask. To be honest while doing any body.
Use Tamiya masking tape as much as possible where
ever you can. Always make 100% sure you've really
rubbed those edges down. Then you should eliminate
any paint creep under the tape.
Next is the 'Satin black' spray on the front grill.
I like doing these as they are easy & the
satin paint always goes on nice. Mask up the lower
valance, Again take your time to get it masked
good & sealed well. I use car paint again
for that 'satin' finish.
Make sure you get into all those grill parts with
the spray. Hold it again in your hand with some
gloves on & turn it around as you spray. After
2-3 coats take off the masking tape asap, So it
doesn't react with the body colour under it. As
I've had problems like this on certain Tamiya
paints & masking tapes. 
Right, Now all the main spraying has been done
were onto detailing. Oh no! I hear you cry, But
yes it has to be done & if you've got that
steady hand & loads of patience it can turn
a model into something fantastic!