Step 3 (Chassis build)
As you can imagine this part is a lot easier than
the body. Nothing to worry about really, Just
check all those screw sizes twice. I use a clear
box with compartments in to hold all my screw
bag contents etc. It is superb & helps loads.
It opens up & I put my manual in the lid,
Put down an old towel too. It keeps hold of all
your bits while building.
You start by having to strip the main chassis
down that's already built in the box for shipping
Take out the gearbox & add screw lock everywhere
it says.
I'm NOT using any screw lock or gearbox sealant
as it's a shelf truck. It makes a mess anyway.
I do however use grease where it says, But not
as much.
So with the gearbox out you have to fit the rubber
bushings in the cross member, To locate the gearbox
studs. Fit these the way it says in the manual,
The easy way. Gearbox in, More screws added to
the chassis, Step 1 finished. 
Step 2 is the damper stays & steering crank,
Note which way the rubber bushing goes in.
Also there are three different sizes spacers in
this kit, Measure them to be sure you've got the
right one.
Step 3 is attaching the damper stays, steering
crank, rear bumper stays, etc.
Step 4 you've got to attach all the leaf spring
holders. Don't tighten them too much where the
spacers are. 
Step 5 is the front axle build. You might have
to trim some of the cast alloy parts with a file.
Make sure it turns smooth when bolted together.

Step 6 is the rear axle build. Note the three
spacers used here. Again check it all runs smooth.

Step 7 Attaching your leaf springs. It is hard,
But try your best to tighten all nuts evenly.
Keeping the axle brackets level. Note the different
inner nuts on the front axle for mounting the
under guard.

Step 8 fit your front axle. Along with a steering
rod. Again don't tighten too much where the spacers
Step 9 Rear axle fitting. Don't forget the tiny
spacers for the radius arms.
Step 10 & 11 My favourite.. Dampers! NOT!
These are ok though. Usual Tamiya way of filling
up the damper with oil. They don't work that well
anyway, But try & get all the air out of the
oil. Use a thin screw driver to stir it inside
at the top, Pulls out the air. 
Step 12 Front wheel hub attachment. Double check
you use the correct hubs for the left & right
sides (one way bearings in them) Fit your dampers
& don't forget the washers like I did! And,
The steering rod is too long. Make it 105mm not
107mm. The nice under guard goes on here too.
Step 13 Fit your rear wheel hubs, Both same. Dampers
go on too.
Step 14 The gearbox. There's a rubber band that
goes around the motor to stop any dirt getting
in. Use tape if it's for a runner. I didn't put
any oil in the gearbox as it's not going to be
run. I strongly recommend you use car engine oil
in your runner gearbox, And plenty of it. Makes
them last ten times longer! Now the drive shafts
go on & gear shift arm.
Step 15 Install the gearbox into the chassis.
Don't forget the motor plate. 
Step 16 The start of the mechanism/radio box.
Time to fit the speed controller & resistors.
Try & keep all the wires out of the way &
tidy. The rubber dust protector is tricky to fit,
But just slot it in & clamp it down with plastic
part A4. 
Step 17 Connect & test all your radio before
installing. I only used three new servos in my
build. No need for a receiver if it's not going
to run.
Step 18 Attaching your servos to the mounts.
Step 19 Servo installation & resistor cover
mounting. Note direction of decal on resistor
cover. Again keep all your wires neat. 
Step 20 All three servos to hook up to the servo
savers etc. Steering, Speed controller & gear
shift. Measurements are good for all three rods.
The steering one might need to be a few millimetres
longer than 210mm. The longest part of the steering
rod goes into the mech box. 
Step 21 Attach the receiver lid, First tucking
away the receiver & battery if you have them.
Can be a bit tight, But again if you keep your
wires out of the way you should be ok. If your
doing this for a runner truck, Wrap a balloon
around both the receiver & battery. Remember
to pass the antenna wire through the hole before
screwing down the lid. 
Step 22 Fit the Mech box into the chassis &
connect the gear shift up. 
Step 23 is setting up the gear change. Looks complicated
in the manual, But it's soo easy. Connect everything
up & turn on your radio. With trims in neutral
just listen to the gearbox when you use the throttle.
If it makes bad noises just pull back & adjust
your trim until it goes into gear nice. Do the
same with the other two gears (left & right
on the throttle stick) You really do need a throttle
shift gate on your transmitter for these trucks.
And remember if your running a 3 speed, NEVER
change gear while the motor is still spinning.
Step 24 Disconnect a motor wire to set up the
speed controller travel adjustment.
Step 25 Adjust your steering.
Step 26 Fitting lower mech box cover. Remove the
radius arm to fit the lid, Makes it a lot easier.
Slide in as per picture. 
Step 27 Attach battery deck. Be careful here,
As the screws can damage the thin plastic mounts
they go into. 
Step 28 The bit I like, Fitting bumpers. Cut them
off the trees carefully as the plastic is soo
soft. Don't over tighten the screws. Just nip
them up. Also there is the rear body mount to
fit. Leave the screws loose for now, Then tighten
them up after you fit the body.
Step 29 Wheels are always a good thing to do.
These are simple, But the tyres are really hard
in compound & could do with warming up first
on a heater. I didn't & wish I had! Note direction
& don't use glue if your not running.
Step 30 Fitting your wheels & tidying motor
wires. Again be ever so careful screwing the wheels
on. If your crush the plastic on the wheels it
cracks & goes weak. Use three tie wraps not
two. Put them where it says & another the
other side of the front body mount to make it
all even more tidy. 
Step 31 Pop in your battery (if your going to
test it) & fit your antenna tube.
Right, The next steps are the body build. It's
already done! This is where it gets even more
exciting! Drop your body on being careful. When
pushing snap/body pins on, Face them upwards as
much as possible. You know why.
All done! Now you should have a grand truck sitting
in front of you to be very proud of!
Thanks for reading this article & I hope
it's given you some pointers.