Am I still dreaming?!...
No, I'm not. After all these years and maybe
many requests by fans. Tamiya have released both
the Rough Rider (Buggy Champ) and Sand Scorcher!!
To celebrate a milestone of 30 years R/C. It might
not please everyone, but it's still very hard
NOT to get excited about it!
Seeing as I am a lucky bloke (or jammy) to own
an original NIB Scorcher. I thought it would make
a great article on the differences between the
kits, old vs new.. 
Before we start. In nearly every picture you
see on the right, the original kit/parts are on
the left and the re-release on the right.
First up, the re-release box is bigger!..
About 10mm deeper, which means the box inserts
are deeper too.. 
And although keeping with the same layout, all
the box artwork has been updated and a few things
added and taken away..

On opening the box's, you notice straight away
everything inside is nearly the same..
Or is it?...
The packaging is all slightly different
bringing it up to date.
The obvious things changed are the manual and
Some of the not so obvious alterations are hidden
away in the contents. I'll try and go through
everything I've found so far..
The body is the main item updated/altered. Or
should I say copied? As it's exactly the same
body as the Blitzer Beetle, only moulded in white
and not black. However, all the Blitzer mounting
holes have been filled in and the new front and
rear mounting holes drilled, along with holes
for the new (awful!) mirrors. Oh and the moulded
stamp inside has been altered..
Along with many tiny parts alterations and plastic
trees different..
We have the infamous glass three the same,
but moulded in a harder, clearer plastic..
The radio mechanism box is very different in colour
Back to the body parts and the nose cone tree
is exactly the same as the original Scorcher too
(thank the lord!) These were impossible to find
new before the re-re. But, the driver tree stays
the same as the Monster Beetle, with flat number
plates and complete moulded rear lights, although
you do get the glass rear lights still on the
glass window tree? 
Yes, many changes indeed and the prices of vintage
parts/kits will obviously be effected unfortunately.
But, and this is a big BUT! It's still magical
to open a NEW Sand Scorcher kit in all it's glory.
And you can dive in and enjoy building it without
any worries what so ever! Then go out and thrash
it within an inch of it's life!
Thanks yet again Tamiya. What's next we wonder?
Also, checkout our updated Beetle
shell comparison. Now that we have the fourth
Beetle shell from Tamiya..