Hey Prof I am looking into changing the 850 Flanged Metal Bearing on my Bruiser to Ball Bearing equi... |
Professor says:
I'm not sure there is a direct equivalent? I would stick to metric bearings which are readily availa... Read
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hi I found a tamiya Martini mk22 Renault boxed in my loft its 1979....value ?... |
Professor says:
Whatever someone is prepared to pay to be honesy and that depends on many factors such as condition,... Read
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Yo dawg, I herd you like R/C cars. So we put an Lunchbox in your car, so you can drive while u drive... |
Professor says:
Yo Zibit, yeah that sounds cool. I think!... Read
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I'm looking to restore a Tamiya Falcon but struggling to find a lot of parts. Is there someone other... |
Professor says:
Yes, try the usual community sites such as Read
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lee francis
What type of motor do you need to make the lunch box go faster ... |
Professor says:
A faster one :-)... Read
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hey professor
in term of sale what was the most popular model ever made by Tamiya
Thank s ... |
Professor says:
Hmm good question and not one i know the answer for i'm afraid. If i were to guess i would say somet... Read
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Hi prof skid. Just a question about the fox and wild one front and rear wheels, are they both the sa... |
Professor says:
Yes, totally the same, just different colours... Read
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cane i stil bay this models from your list?... |
Professor says:
Yes but not new.... Read
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sorry to bother u again , my question is what offset wheels would i need to make a 190mm chassis int... |
Professor says:
It depends on the width of the wheel. A zero offset wheel will have the hub face in it's centre look... Read
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I'm brand new to rc. Just got a Sand Scorcher kit. Feeling like a moron now. I can't even get the da... |
Professor says:
No, just elbow grease. The tyres *will* stretch far enough... Read
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Iv just got a new Re-release Wild One, And the rear spring seems to hard. I know that the original W... |
Professor says:
Hmmm sorry not really, the Wild One/Frog are quite an unusual setup. One thing we used to do is stre... Read
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Ken jones
How old is Tamiya rc models... |
Professor says:
Date back a long way, these rc's got back to the 1970's. Google is your friend!... Read
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Subaru brat... |
Professor says:
Gwasshopper :-)... Read
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I've just got my 25 year old Mud Blaster down from the attic - and despite bing well loved, it still... |
Professor says:
Good one! The rubber parts always suffer to be honest especially the tyres normally. Don't worry too... Read
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hello skid..... which best way to remove old paint from polynthene bodyshell? ive tried nitro no luc... |
Professor says:
Hmm it does depend on paint used. I have use nitro fuel in the past but it does only work on pc pain... Read
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Santa Claus
Ho ho ho! Skid, have you been a good boy this year? If so, please let me know your wish list for Chr... |
Professor says:
What a lovely surprise! This year i am wishing for the news of a 959 re-release. This would be about... Read
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I have a Thunder Shot and was wondering what parts can I still get for it?... |
Professor says:
Everything is still available on ebay etc....... Read
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baldomero estrada
which is the best sealant for old bruiser transmission?... |
Professor says:
Pretty much any silicon sealant is fine. Just a thin smear is all you need. I would use general diy ... Read
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Just finished restoring a frog and chucked Brat front tires and rims on the front but the tire ribs ... |
Professor says:
There are different offset front wheels actually, this could be the problem. Sometimes you can squee... Read
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Can you tell me the Tamiya paint code for the yellow monster beetle body shown in the video?... |
Professor says:
Sorry this was not a Tamiya paint, just a car aerosol colour from Halfords as i remember... Read
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